
Charges against Socrates and Imran khan are same…

Socrates was Greek philosopher born in 439 BC. Uptill now he is considered as the founder of all major philosophical thoughts. He is mostly recognized for SOCRATIC METHOD OF REASONING that is based on Questioning and Answering to find the truth. He is also famous for his trial that Athenian regime brought against him. The…

Missing Ellie

Ellie is neither my friend nor my Gf. But why I choose the topic “missing Ellie”. Actually, Ellie is not even a human being. Ellie is just a cat. Why Ellie is so important that I choosed to write an article about it. Yes, Ellie is important, not just because she is a cat, but…

It’s not Russia vs. Ukraine: it’s bloody Capitalism vs. Divine Socialism

The world population has already given its verdict against US-NATO-led global capitalist imperialism but still few leaders are trying to maintain the capitalist status quo. This bloody nexus of capitalists have killed millions in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Egypt, and so on. Since BREXIT and the election of nationalist leaders like Trump and Modi, international capitalism…

Imran Khan: The philosopher-king of Plato’s Republic

After a break of a few months, I am back, I really had no idea what to write about unless I studied Plato’s theory of an ideal state. I have tried to relate that theory with ongoing politics in Pakistan… According to Plato, an ideal state is composed of three classes 1. Philosophers 2. Auxiliaries…


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About Me

Hi, I’m Ch Fakhar Gul. Previously worked as an accoutant at CPEC (NLC), I became a lawyer and freelance writer.

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